Names for default handles

Enumeration Members

ER: "er_handle"

name for default rotation handle in the eye-plane

PICK: "pick_handle"

name for default translation handle in the eye-plane

PICK_PLANE_XY: "pick_plane_xy_handle"

name for default translation handle in the xy plane

PICK_PLANE_YZ: "pick_plane_yz_handle"

name for default translation handle in the yz plane

PICK_PLANE_ZX: "pick_plane_zx_handle"

name for default translation handle in the zx plane

XNT: "xnt_handle"

name for default translation handle along the -ve x-axis

XPT: "xpt_handle"

name for default translation handle along the +ve x-axis

XR: "xr_handle"

name for default rotation handle along the x-axis

YNT: "ynt_handle"

name for default translation handle along the -ve y-axis

YPT: "ypt_handle"

name for default translation handle along the +ve y-axis

YR: "yr_handle"

name for default rotation handle along the y-axis

ZNT: "znt_handle"

name for default translation handle along the -ve z-axis

ZPT: "zpt_handle"

name for default translation handle along the +ve z-axis

ZR: "zr_handle"

name for default rotation handle along the z-axis

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